
WATCH: First look at Queen and Freddie Mercury biopic in new trailer

Freddie Mercury lives! And he lives in the body of Rami Malek who features as the exuberant Queen lead singer in the first trailer for biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody.

Malek, best known for his role in Mr. Robot, will star as Mercury despite Sacha Baron Cohen originally being cast in 2010 but leaving the project in 2013 due to “creative differences” with Mercury’s former band mates. Guitarist Brian May went on to label Baron Cohen “an arse”.

The project later faced issues when original director Bryan Singer was dropped due to spending too much time away with health issues. Eddie the Eagle director, Dexter Fletcher, was then drafted in midway through production.

Despite all the troubles the movie faced, we have finally been treated to the first taste of what is to come and judging by the new trailer, Malek looks like the perfect fit for the role.

Check out the trailer for Bohemian Rhapsody below, which hits UK cinemas this November!

Deadpool apologises to David Beckham for THAT joke in the first movie

One of the best things about the first Deadpool movie were the many hilarious lines, primarily delivered by the brilliant Ryan Reynolds as he portrayed the foul-mouthed superhero.

In the latest piece of marketing brilliance from the Deadpool team, with the sequel just days away, we see the title character personally apologise to David Beckham.

Reynolds famously made fun of the former England football captain in the first movie, saying: “Have you ever heard David Beckham speak? It’s like he mouth-sexed a can of helium”.

As you can see below, Deadpool personally visits Beckham to apologise specifically for that joke – but things soon take a turn…

Sherlock Holmes 3 confirmed and given release date

Warner Bros. have officially confirmed that there will be a third instalment in the Sherlock Holmes series, after announcing its release for Christmas Day in 2020.

We last saw director Guy Ritchie’s big screen edition of the famous detective, starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, back in 2011 and there have been rumours aplenty over whether a third movie would be made.

Although the release date has been announced, there has yet to be confirmation that Ritchie will direct the third instalment, nor whether RDJ or Law would return as bickering partners Holmes and Watson.

That said, RDJ earlier this year announced his intentions to reprise the role when speaking to Entertainment Weekly, claiming that his wife’s production company were “still looking at doing another Sherlock Holmes.”

RDJ is currently lapping up the inevitable successes of Avengers: Infinity War and will be seen playing Doctor Doolittle later this year.

Law and Ritchie have remained silent regarding any return as yet but it’s hard to see the pair decide against the project given the successes of the first two movies.

Director Ritchie has recently been working on other movies such as King Arthur and the live-action remake of Disney’s Aladdin whilst recently announcing that he is working on a British gangster movie

Meanwhile, Law will soon be seen featuring as a young Albus Dumbledore in the Fantastic Beasts sequel and is also currently filming for next year’s Captain Marvel.

But with the movie now confirmed and given a release date, fingers crossed the entire gang will return for the third Sherlock Holmes instalment that we’ve all been hungry for!

Step Brothers director says that a sequel is ‘very possible’

This is probably the best news you’re going to hear all day!

Step Brothers director, Adam McKay, has opened up about the possibility of a sequel to one of the best comedies in recent years.

Many fans of the original have hoped to see Dale and Brennan return since leaving us in hysterics 10 years ago, and there’s no reason why a sequel can’t be done.

McKay, who also directed Anchorman, The Other Guys and The Big Short, told CinemaBlend that he is open to a sequel, despite previously having doubts.

He said: “It is very possible in five years, because I don’t think the Step Brothers idea gets worse the older these guys get.

“We could all look at each other and go, ‘all right, let’s go do it.’ A while ago I said, ‘No way we’re doing it.’ But I thought about it. I was like, ‘Why am I saying that? We definitely could end up doing that.’ So who knows?”.

Will Ferrell doesn’t often turn down the chance of a sequel, having featured in Anchorman 2 and last year’s Daddy’s Home 2.

That being said, Ferrell seemed reserved about a potential sequel in a previous interview with New York Daily News, drawing to his experiences with Anchorman in mind.

He said: “The sequel thing is so funny because, we decided obviously to go down the road with Anchorman, and we made what I thought was a really great sequel, really funny.

“The entertainment media and fans beg you, and beg you, and beg you for sequels, and then you make it and you definitely have a fraction that’s like, ‘Well, not as good as the first one.’ So I guess it’s a catch-22. It’s a nice catch-22, because people love the movies in the first place.”

Ferrell did however go on to say that ideas for a sequel were already being discussed.

He said: “We talked about Step Brothers and then Adam and I got sidetracked with other things. We had a whole story where John (C. Reilly) and I follow our parents to live in a retirement community and try to convince them that we earned the right to retire as well”.

I think it’s safe to say that everyone would love to see Nighthawk and Dragon back together!


Nicolas Cage eyeing Joker role?

If there was ever an actor to split opinion like a warm knife through butter, it’s Nicolas Cage.

An Oscar-winning actor, who also has an incredible CV of bang average performances, Cage recently claimed that he would have liked to have played The Joker, sparking rumours that he may have an outside chance of landing the role in the upcoming Batman movie.

Cage recently channeled his inner Adam West as Big Daddy in 2010’s Kick-Ass, a rare green tick in the actor’s recent career.

Speaking to JoBlo, Cage said: “I mean, I think my comic book days are kind of … I’m on to other things.

“But I always thought I’d make a great Joker and I always thought that I would’ve been a good villain in one of the Marvel [movies] like Doctor Doom (from Fantastic Four). At this point if I was to go back into the format it would probably have to be as a villain.”


With the DC Extended Universe already treading on eggshells following a barrage of terrible movies, it seems like an incredible risk to cast Cage in the role and one that is very unlikely.

Although it hasn’t been confirmed, Jared Leto is still in line to helm the Joker as he did in the much maligned Suicide Squad.

Additionally, Joaquin Phoenix is in line to play the role in Todd Phillips’ upcoming Martin Scorsese-inspired origin movie of the Joker.

Ryan Reynolds to auction pink Deadpool suit for cancer charity

No stranger to a publicity stunt, Ryan Reynolds is using the merc with a mouth alter-ego of his to do a good deed.

With the upcoming release of Deadpool 2, Reynolds will be selling a pink edition of the superhero’s suit to raise money for F*ck Cancer, in partnership with Omaze.

In typical Deadpool fashion, a hilarious video was released announcing the auction, which you can watch below.

For more information about the auction, click here.

Jack Whitehall joins Dwayne Johnson for Disney movie

British comedian and actor, Jack Whitehall, will join Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt for Disney’s upcoming movie, “The Jungle Cruise”.

Whitehall will play the key role of Blunt’s brother in the movie which is based on the classic theme park attraction.

Disney plans to make the movie in a similar vein to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, with Jaume Collet-Serra directing and Logan writer, Michael Green, penning the latest draft.

Legendary director takes huge swipe at Netflix

Let’s face it, Netflix is slowly taking over the world.

More and more movies and TV shows are streamed through the vastly popular website and it is gradually having a huge effect on cinemas and moviegoers.

This is a least the view taken by Steven Spielberg, who is currently promoting his latest masterpiece, Ready Player One, which hits UK cinemas this week.

Speaking to ITV News, the legendary director suggested that film was currently facing its biggest threat from TV, primarily because of streaming. He went on to suggest that any movie using a streaming website, such as Netflix, should not be allowed to win an Oscar.

He said: “I don’t believe that films that are given token qualifications, in a couple of theatres for less than a week, should qualify for Academy Award nominations,

“Once you commit to a television format, you’re a TV movie. If it’s a good show, you deserve an Emmy. But not an Oscar.”

Spielberg went on to suggest that he would still have made his previous film, The Post, for theatre goers as opposed to a Netflix audience.

Check out the full interview below and let me know if you agree with the legendary director:

Tom Hardy to play famous mob boss in biopic

Having played both notorious London gangsters Ronnie and Reggie Kray in 2015’s Legend, Tom Hardy is set to get back to the crime scene – this time to play Al Capone in the upcoming biopic ‘Fonzo’.

The movie follows the life of legendary mob boss Capone as a 47-year-old following his 10 year stint in prison and his problems with dementia and the demons of his violent past.


Chronicle and Fantastic Four (2015) director Josh Trank is helming the project which will also star Matt Dillon and Linda Cardenilli.

Hardy was the best thing about Legend and it’s no surprise that he is the go to man when casting a violent gangster. That said, he will need to seriously alter his image and body shape if he in order to accurately portray the porky Capone.

But hey, if Hollywood can turn Gary Oldman into Winstone Churchill and win him an Oscar, anything’s possible!

Chris Evans to leave role of Captain America

Chris Evans looks set to be hanging up his shield after claiming that he wants to leave the Captain America role before being axed from it.

The actor recently told the New York Times that he plans to leave the Marvel Universe after ‘Avengers 4’, which is set to be released next year.

In a profile piece for the newspaper, Evans said: “You want to get off the train before they push you off.”

Marvel co-star, Robert Downey Jr, had previously suggested that he will feel lost when Evans left the project.


He said: “I feel like my instinct would be to bust his jaw.

“All I know is that there’s something about being on camera with Evans. I hate to say it, but I don’t know what I’m gonna do when he’s not Cap anymore.

“I look at him and think this is the truest, most down moral psychology I’ve ever seen and then they go, ‘Cut!’ and Chris is like, ‘Hey buddy, I gotta get out of here’.”

Evans filmed Avengers 3 & 4 back to back last year and he admitted that this autumn’s reshoots will be his last outing in the red, white and blue suit.

So long, Cap.